BY: LBL Team

6 Clever Mind Games Men Play While Dating

Beware of these dating mind games

Are you tired of not being able to read potential dates’ signals? Does it feel like you’re always getting mixed signals? Do you feel as though you’re being jerked around? Here are six clever mind games people play while dating that prove they don’t want a serious relationship:

1. They give you gifts and attention

People who give you lots of gifts and attention just want their egos stroked. This is especially true if they have shown no sign of committing to you. They like having you around to continue to be flattered.

2. They cancel plans last minute

Does the person you’re dating invite you out last minute and cancel plans last minute, too? Chances are you’re just one of many options they have, and they’re not even sure they want to be with you.

3. They run hot and cold

You notice that they tend to run hot and cold all the time. This means they’re probably not over their ex. The person you’re dating probably sees the potential you two have and figures they should keep you around at plan B.

4. They never take you out

They love having sex with you but don’t like doing much else. Because they don’t want to commit to you, the person you’re dating never takes you out.

5. They refuse to define your relationship

Does it feel like your relationship isn’t moving forward? Do they give you vague reasons why it doesn’t feel like you’re progressing? It’s simple  the person you’re dating doesn’t want progress. He likes things just as they are.

6. They don’t introduce you to friends and family

If they introduce you to friends and family, you’ll get the idea that they want to be with you, when in reality, they’re actually not sure that they do.

Find someone new

If they keep on sending you mixed signals, and if you feel like things are going nowhere, you should ditch them and find someone new. Anyone who plays mind games doesn’t know what they want, and that’s why he keeps expectations low.

  1. “9 Mind Games Men Play,” Your Tango, n.d.
  2. “Understanding the Mind Games Men Play,” Today, February 19, 2010.
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