Cast-iron balls with a handle attached to the top, kettlebells build balance, power, and muscle. Here are seven reasons why should take up kettlebell workouts.
1. A functional workout
Kettlebells work muscles the same way as do everyday activities. Over time you’ll find that those activities become easier.
2. Fast weight loss
You’ll shed pounds in no
3. Improved posture
Proper form in kettlebell workouts involves your core, so your posture straightens with time.
4. Firmer butt and abs
‘Nuff said.
5. No aching joints
Kettlebell workouts with them are similar to yoga routines: the fluid movement involved don’t affect your joints as much as other forms of weight training do.
6. Enhancements to your other fitness routines
You can work in kettlebell training
7. Saved time and space
Kettlebells fit easily in your home, and you don’t need any additional equipment, like a bench and barbell.
5 kettlebell exercises that work
1. Windmill
This exercise targets your shoulders, back, abs, obliques, and hips.
- Hold the handle of the kettlebell in your right hand with your arms by your sides
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
- Bend your right elbow to your side
- Bring your right hand in front of your shoulder in such a way that the ball of the kettlebell rests on the front of your forearm
- Keep your right arm pointed to the ceiling as you hold the kettlebell
- Touch your toes with your other hand
- Alternate sides
2. Slingshot
This exercise targets your back, arms, abs, and obliques.
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Hold your kettlebell’s handle in both hands
- Extend your arms at waist level in front of you
- Free your left hand and grip the handle with your right hand
- Pass your kettlebell around you clockwise
- Pass your kettlebell around you counterclockwise circles
3. Two-handed swing
This exercise targets your shoulders, back, hips, butt, and legs
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
- Hold your kettlebell’s handle with both hands, your arms in front of your thighs and your palms inward
- Squat as you keep your chest open and back flat
- Hinge forward from your hips as you swing the kettlebell in
controlled way through your legs and behind you - Return to your starting position
4. High pull
This exercise targets your shoulders, arms, butt, and hamstrings
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes turned out 45 degrees
- Place your kettlebell on the floor between your legs
- Put your arms at your sides
- Squat, open your chest, and engage your abs as you grip your kettlebell’s handle with your right hand, palm inward
- Return to your starting position
5. Lunge press
This exercise targets your shoulders, back, arms, abs, butt, and legs
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart
- Hold the sides of your kettlebell handle with both hands in front of your chest, your elbows bent by your sides and your palms inward
- Press the kettlebell over your head as you lunge forward
- Bring your kettlebell back to your chest as you stand
- Alternate legs
Ring in a new you with kettlebells
Great for men and women overweight or skinny, kettlebells can sculpt you into your ideal body by strengthening your core, melting fat, and toning you.
- “7 Moves to Burn 400 Calories in 20 Minutes,” POPSUGAR, July 11, 2017.
- “Kettlebell Workouts: Top 7 Ways to Make the Trend Work for You,” Shape, September 28, 2013.
- “What You Need to Know: Kettlebell Training,” U.S. News and World Report, September 18, 2013.
- “Why a Kettlebell Is the Best Home Workout for Moms,” Wellness Mama, July 13, 2017.