Aesthetic Treatments
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BY: LBL Team

Prep For Your Wedding with Clear + Brilliant

Glowing happy brides everywhere swear by Clear + Brilliant

When I got engaged in August 2024, I was certain of one thing (besides the man I was marrying): I would not have a long engagement. I’d seen too many friends spend a year toiling over seating charts and whether to pick ivory or white napkins. That life was not for me! So when my now-husband and I settled on getting married in December, I knew that I had to high-tail my skin routine in something that would be truly impactful.

Historically, I’ve loved Clear + Brilliant. In fact, over the past 5 years, I’ve probably done it 8 times. As you may know, there are three types of Clear + Brilliant treatments offered at LaserAway. The first is the original treatment, which utilizes a 1440 nanometer (nm) wavelength laser to target water in the skin’s superficial layers. By doing this, it improves skin texture and reduces pore size. The second type of Clear + Brilliant treatment you can get is Perméa, which uses a 1927 nm wavelength laser to target discoloration, age spots and uneven skin tone. Typically, I would opt for option 3, which was a combo treatment that was half original Clear + Brilliant and half Perméa.

But unfortunately, my skin changed over the last year and I started developing spots of melasma over my forehead. No matter how much sunscreen I piled or on how wide the brim of my hat was, the coffee stains appearing on my forehead just got worse and worse. I knew one thing for sure: I did not want those splotches to be any worse than usual on my wedding day. Because of this concern, I stopped doing the combo treatment (as the original laser can enhance melasma) and instead opted for Perméa—and what a difference this made. 

Ajenay, who was the LaserAway nurse who treated me, recommends that brides come in a few times (ideally 4-6 weeks between treatments) leading up to their wedding, with their final Clear + Brilliant taking place 3 weeks before the wedding. This would allow ample time for the skin to shed the old, dead skin cells and reveal more beautiful, beaming new skin. 

I did one treatment in early September, a second in late October and by mid-December I was looking positively radiant with totally minimized brown spots. While some people complain that Clear + Brilliant is uncomfortable, I’ve never found this to be the case, despite having a low pain tolerance. If your skin tends to be particularly sensitive to pain, Perméa is a great option, as it is often a bit gentler. My skin still looked smooth and rejuvenated, functioning as a flawless canvas for wedding-day makeup. 

There are certainly other types of facials that are great pre-wedding—I also considered getting a Hydrafacial a few days before the big day. For those wanting a facial that will last through their wedding and for the weeks that follow, I cannot recommend Clear + Brilliant strongly enough. 

Blair Smith is a lifestyle and beauty writer who currently resides (and will likely stay forever) in Brooklyn, New York.

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