BY: LBL Team

The 5 Best Holiday Foods For Healthy & Beautiful Skin

Best foods to eat during the holiday season for great skin

The holidays are in full swing, which means it’s a time to be with friends and family or just a table full of yummy food. It’s great to indulge—and you absolutely should—but indulging in your favorite foods doesn’t have to be guilt-ridden, either. Many traditional holiday foods are nutrient-dense—both tasty and great for your skin and whole-body health! Check out these holiday foods that are not only delicious but will give you healthy, beautiful skin:

1. Walnuts

Walnuts are not just a nutcracker’s bestie. They are also full of zinc, a natural barrier and skin protectant. But best of all, walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids that boost collagen production, preventing sagging and keeping skin looking fresh. A cup a day will help keep skin nice and taut. Keep an eye out for walnuts in holiday stuffing and salads.

2. Broccoli

It’s time to stop slipping all your broccoli to your family dog under the table and start eating that green gift from nature. It’s full of vitamins A and C, which assist in collagen production. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane, a compound that protects the skin against sun damage and is rich in vitamin K, which helps heal bruises faster. Delicious holiday dishes featuring broccoli include roasted broccoli, cheese and broccoli casserole, and broccoli salad.

3. Carrots

Carrots are great for your skin. They contain beta-carotene that keeps the skin healthy by acting as a natural sunblock. Barrier protection from the sun is one of the most important things you can do to prevent premature skin aging. Lather up your sunscreen and eat your orange veggies — you can never have too much protection! Glazed carrots are a delicious holiday dish to munch on.

4. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes, like carrots, are also full of beta-carotene, which helps protect your skin against free radicals. Anthocyanins and vitamin C found in sweet potatoes contain anti-aging properties, boosting collagen production and keeping skin nice and youthful. Holiday dishes containing sweet potatoes include sweet potato pie and sweet potato casserole.

5. Dark chocolate

Just like dessert, we’ve saved the best for last. If you ever get a craving for sweets (let’s face it — we all do), then dark chocolate is one of the best options. Because dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, it helps to thicken and plump the skin. Dark chocolate also protects against free radicals and sun damage. Keep in mind that not all dark chocolate is created equal. This means you’ll want to buy dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. Finally, something your sweet tooth and your skin can be happy with!

Enjoy these skin-friendly foods

The holidays can feel like a minefield of sweets and decadent indulgences, the unintentional culprits of breakouts, and more. But the above five foods are not only common around the winter dinner table— they can actually improve your skin. Fill your plate with lots of chocolate, broccoli, carrots, walnuts, and sweet potatoes (okay, maybe not all mixed together), and you’ll enhance your festive glow.

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