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BY: LBL Team

10 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Life

How to spring clean your life

You’re already planning to give your home a spring scrub-down, but why not spring clean your life, too? Almost everyone has too much stuff in their lives, whether that’s clutter, stress, or reminders of the past. Need some inspiration before purging your life? Here are 10 tips to help you focus more on what makes you happy in life:

1. Evaluate your career goals

Is your current job making you happy? Are you able to climb the career ladder? Or are you just settling so you can remain inside your comfort zone? Spring is the ideal time to reevaluate your career and what you want out of it. Maybe that means exploring going back to school or applying for a new job.

2. Cut toxic people out of your life

While this might be difficult, it’ll be worth it in the long run. You should get rid of anyone in your life who makes you feel bad about yourself because you deserve better. Don’t waste time on anyone who treats you poorly and is a negative influence. Instead, surround yourself with positive, loving people who care about you and are supportive.

3. Clean up your social media accounts

Go through your accounts from Instagram and TikTok to LinkedIn and Facebook. Reorganize your online presence and get rid of any old posts, tweets, or pictures that don’t accurately reflect who you are.

4. Get rid of your exes’ stuff

Remove all things from exes that carry emotional weight, such as sunglasses, underwear, shirts, etc. This will help you let go of the past and move on with your life. After all, spring is all about in with the new and out with the old!

5. Go through your contacts list

You’d be surprised by how many peoples’ numbers or texts you still have, despite no longer being in contact with them. Delete that random Tinder date’s number and your ex’s texts from years ago. Think about who you want to be in touch with and who you don’t, then delete accordingly.

6. Try a new hairstyle

Spring is all about new beginnings. That’s why it’s a good time to call up your stylist and try something new when it comes to your hair. Not only is this fun, but it can also be a huge confidence booster.

7. Unplug more often

Declutter your mind by turning off your phone and spending a few hours meditating, reading, or hiking in nature instead. This will help to recharge your mental batteries and give you a fresh perspective on things.

8. Reboot your sleep cycle

Are you stuck in a chronic cycle of running on little-to-no sleep? While the days are getting longer, that’s no excuse to stay up past your bedtime. Take control of your sleep cycle by making it a goal to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night as well.

9. Adopt a self-care routine

To refresh your mind, embrace things that relax and destress you. That could mean exercising regularly, journaling, connecting with friends and family, and meditating. Whatever helps make you feel happier and more positive, do it more often.

10. Revamp your fitness routine

Let’s face it — sticking with one type of exercise gets boring pretty fast, leading to a loss of motivation. Try something new this spring, such as cycling, yoga, pilates, or swimming, to keep your mind motivated and stress levels low.

Out with the old, in with the new

Don’t just clean and declutter your house this spring — be sure to spring clean your life. This could be eliminating people or things that no longer give you joy, reevaluating and creating new goals, and trying new activities, all of which will enhance your overall quality of life.

  1. “23 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life,” Redbook, March 19, 2018.
  2. “11 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life During ‘Get Your Sh*t Together’ Season,” Elite Daily, April 11, 2016.
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