pride month
BY: LBL Team

Pride 101: How to Celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month

Your guide to celebrating Pride

June is National Pride Month, a vibrant celebration that paints the month with the colors of the rainbow. Across the U.S., major cities host events to honor the achievements of LGBTQ+ individuals and communities, highlighting their significant impact on society.

What Pride is all about

Amidst the fun and festivities, it’s crucial to remember the essence of Pride. It stands as a powerful statement against discrimination and violence towards LGBTQ+ communities. Pride also acknowledges the achievements of the LGBTQ+ community and promotes diversity and inclusivity. Since the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement a few years ago, Pride has embraced intersectionality, emphasizing the importance of Black trans lives and other marginalized identities.

Ways to support the LGBTQ community

Celebrating Pride Month goes beyond attending events and hosting parties. It’s also an opportunity to show meaningful support for the LGBTQ community. Here are some impactful ways to get involved:

Educate yourself and others

Understanding the history and challenges of the LGBTQ community is crucial. Read books, watch documentaries, and follow LGBTQ activists on social media. Share your knowledge with friends and family to foster a more inclusive environment.

Support LGBTQ businesses

Buying from LGBTQ-owned businesses or brands that support LGBTQ causes is a powerful way to show your support. Look for local shops, online stores, or even larger corporations that have a track record of supporting equality and inclusion.

Donate to LGBTQ organizations

Consider donating to organizations that fight for LGBTQ rights and provide essential services to the community. Some notable organizations include The Trevor ProjectHuman Rights Campaign, and GLAAD. Even small donations can make a significant difference.

Volunteer your time

Many LGBTQ organizations and community centers rely on volunteers. Whether it’s providing support at events, offering professional skills, or helping with day-to-day operations, your time and effort can have a lasting impact.

Advocate for LGBTQ rights

Stay informed about legislation affecting the LGBTQ community, and use your voice to advocate for equality. Contact your local representatives, participate in peaceful protests, and use social media to raise awareness about important issues.

Be an ally every day

Being an ally means standing up against discrimination and prejudice in your everyday life. Speak out against homophobic or transphobic remarks, support friends and family members who come out, and strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.

More than just a party

Pride is not only about colorful celebrations. It also highlights social justice issues, particularly those faced by marginalized communities. Whether hosting a party or attending an event, remember that Pride is a powerful movement for social change.

  1. “10 Meaningful Ways You Can Celebrate LGBT Pride Month,” Mashable, June 2, 2015.
  2. “3 Rainbow Cocktails so You Can Raise a Glass and Toast to Equity This Pride Month,” Bustle, June 15, 2015.
  3. “How to Throw the Perfect Pride Party,” Out Traveler, May 21, 2015.
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