Aesthetic Treatments
BY: LBL Team

5 Ab Exercises That Complement CoolSculpting Treatments

How can you improve CoolSculpting results?

CoolSculpting is a minimally invasive treatment that permanently reduces fat cells by freezing them. It’s highly effective on stubborn areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise, such as the stomach, thighs, and flank. Each treatment reduces fat cells by up to 25%.

You can speed up and maintain your CoolSculpting results by incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Ashley Isabell, PA-C, a Regional Clinical Director at LaserAway and also a personal trainer and fitness coach, is here to share five abdominal exercises that pair perfectly with CoolSculpting:

1. Switch and pulse

To begin this exercise, lay on a mat and put your legs out to form an “L” shape. Alternate legs, pulsing at the bottom as you come down. Do this for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds before moving on to the next exercise.

2. Alternating toe taps

Your back should be flat on the mat. Then, bring your legs up 90 degrees. One at a time, tap each leg down to the ground. Do this for 45 seconds, and then rest for 15 seconds.

3. Leg drops

Laying on your mat, tuck in your legs, and then bring them all the way up. Slowly bring your legs down, making sure to flex your lower abs. Again, repeat for 45 seconds and rest before continuing with the next exercise.

4. Frog crunch

Start this exercise by laying on your mat and extending your legs out. Put your heels together, flaring out your feet. Then, you’re going to crunch in and out. Do this for 45 seconds.

5. Tuck-to-extension

On your mat, tuck in your legs and extend out. Repeat this for 45 seconds, rest for 15 seconds, and start with the first exercise to complete another circuit.

If you’re thinking about getting CoolSculpting, only choose the best

Thinking about incorporating CoolSculpting into your fitness regimen? It can help you look and feel your best and take your exercise A-game to the next level through targeted fat reduction. Always go somewhere with an excellent reputation and extensive experience, like LaserAway, which is the nation’s leader in aesthetic dermatology. All treatments are performed by registered nurses, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.

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