BY: LBL Team

5 Signs You And Your Ex Will Get Back Together

How to tell if you should get back together

Sometimes completely letting go of your ex in the months after a breakup can be challenging. In fact, it’s estimated that 50 percent of couples that break up end up getting back together again. There are some advantages to getting back together after a breakup if you just can’t seem to get them off your mind.

You’re more likely to commit

Couples who get back together the second time around are more likely to be committed to the relationship.

You won’t feel as much pressure

The second time dating, couples have already seen each other at their worst. There’s no pressure to impress one another like dating for the first time.

You’re willing to put in the work

Couples who have broken up before will be more prepared to work through the issues that broke them up the first time around.

You’ve grown in your time apart

Prior breakups can sometimes take relationships to the next level in terms of openness and commitment.

You know what it’s like without them

Because you know what it feels like to not have your ex in your life, you’ll be more likely to actually value him if you two get back together.

You’re more aware

You’ll have a deeper understanding of your needs. After breaking up the first time, you’ll better understand what you will and won’t tolerate in a relationship.

What to look for

Are you thinking about getting back together with your ex? Here are 5 signs you should go for it:

1. You don’t understand why you even broke up in the first place

It’s healthy for couples in any relationship to have disagreements from time to time. But if the two of you broke up for no reason, then you might want to consider getting back together. This is especially true if there were more ups in your relationship than downs.

2. Your friends think you should get back together

Close friends can offer valuable insights, and this is definitely true when it comes to relationships. If your friends really bonded with your ex, and feel as though they were good for you, you should consider getting back together again. Friends can oftentimes offer unbiased perspectives about what went right and what went wrong in a relationship.

3. The timing is perfect

When it comes to getting back together with your ex, the timing has to be right. If either of you is too busy with school or work, or if even just one of you is dating someone else, then getting back together might not be in your cards. Wait and see if the opportunity to get back together presents itself.

4. You compare other people to them

If every time you go on a date, you find yourself comparing them to your ex, that might be a sign it’s time to get back together again. While your ex probably does have bad habits, if you feel as though you could put up with your ex’s bad habits more than someone else’s, that’s a classic sign you haven’t yet moved on.

5. You constantly reminisce about your relationship

Do you find yourself frequently reminiscing about your ex, that’s a sign you might want to consider getting back together with them. This is especially true if you find yourself reflecting on the good times you had together that don’t involve sex. If you had a strong friendship bond with your ex, that is definitely one of the foundations of a healthy relationship. Couples have something special when there’s both a physical and emotional connection.

The second time is the charm

If you find that you can’t stop thinking about your ex, and you feel as though you truly had a special connection with them, you should think about getting back together a second time around. Remember that timing plays a crucial part in successfully getting back together. Try to reconnect with your ex, and see where things go.

  1. “11 Signs That You Should Get Back Together,” Seventeen, October 29, 2015.
  2. “3 Signs You Should Get Back Together with Your Ex,” Business Insider, September 28, 2017.
  3. “13 Little Signs Your Ex Might Want to Get Back Together in the Future,” Bustle, November 10, 2017.
  4. “Why a Breakup Can be Good for Your Relationship,” Cosmopolitan, February 20, 2013.

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