mental health
BY: LBL Team

How to Love Yourself Unconditionally

6 ways to learn how to love yourself unconditionally

It can be challenging silencing your inner critic, especially if you’re prone to perfectionism. But, constantly criticizing yourself only lowers your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. You can empower yourself instead by following these six tips that teach you how to love yourself unconditionally:

1. Connect with yourself

It’s easy to get so wrapped up in your daily to-do list that you forget to carve out time to really connect with yourself. But, you can engage in some much-needed self-care and connect with your inner world a few minutes each day by meditating, reflecting, and contemplating — this will enable you to appreciate better who you are as a person.

2. Face your weaknesses

Everyone has weaknesses and flaws— it’s an inevitable part of being human. But it’s crucial that you face your shortcomings head-on rather than ignore them. Take the time to understand your weaknesses and reframe them positively as an opportunity to grow. Then learn to overcome or cope with them by going to therapy, attending support groups, or journaling.

3. Learn to move on

Instead of replaying previous scenarios where you think you messed up over and over again in your mind, realize that everyone makes mistakes and that it’s okay. Try to understand that you’ve been doing the best you can and that mistakes allow you to grow and learn as a person. This mindset will help you to forgive yourself and move on.

4. Form loving, supportive relationships

Surround yourself with people who genuinely love and value you for who you are, flaws and all. This will make it easier to love yourself. If anyone in your life isn’t kind, supportive, and caring, don’t be afraid to create firm boundaries with them or even remove them from your life altogether.

5. Praise yourself

Be understanding of any setbacks you might experience and celebrate all accomplishments, no matter how big or small. This might mean treating yourself to your favorite dessert or going on a mini-vacation. Remember that praise and reward build up your inner spirit.

6. Nourish your mind and body

Take care of both your mind and body by getting enough sleep, eating right, and exercising. Since your mind and body have such a strong connection, attending to your physical and mental needs means you’ll be much more prepared to overcome any obstacles that come your way. You’ll also be able to think and act more positively.

Begin loving yourself…now

Don’t wait to begin loving yourself. Start on the deep work that builds the foundation from which you can truly begin to love yourself unconditionally. Focus on both your mental and physical health, which will enable you to explore who you really are and engage in more positive self-talk.

  1. “7 Ways to Learn to Love Yourself Unconditionally,” Huffington Post, December 6, 2017.
  2. “12 Ways to Love Yourself Unconditionally,” Heal Your Life, March 22, 2016.
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