BY: LBL Team

7 Tips for Staying Healthy Without Going Broke

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can take a lot of work — not to mention, it can get expensive pretty quickly. The good news is that you don’t have to live beyond your means to stay fit and healthy. Want to learn more? Here are seven tips for staying healthy without going broke:

1. Stop buying organic

If you’re spending a lot of money on organic produce, then your grocery bill is probably pretty high. Though organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, not all conventional produce is covered in chemicals. Buying conventional produce is an easy way to lower your food bill. You can also wash conventional produce with a vegetable wash that will help completely remove waxes and pesticides.

2. Cancel your gym membership

Gym memberships can be super expensive, costing up to $100 per month. To save cash, consider canceling your gym membership, and instead, exercising outside. Not only is exercising outside free, but it’s also been shown to reduce tension, anger, and depression.

3. Get health insurance

If you don’t have health insurance currently, you should enroll in a plan. While health insurance premiums can seem costly, having health insurance can help minimize the cost of unexpected injuries and illnesses. Plus, health insurance covers immunizations and screenings.

4. Ditch your multivitamin and supplements

No actual evidence suggests taking a daily multivitamin helps protect you from cancer or heart disease. Most people can consume all the nutrients they need from a healthy, well-rounded diet. You should also cut back on any supplements you’re taking. Why? Because most supplements aren’t backed by legitimate research. Don’t waste your money.

5. Stick with whole fruits and vegetables

Rather than buying tons of fancy and expensive fruit and vegetable juices, stick with eating whole fruits and vegetables. These juices don’t contain fiber, so you’re mostly getting a concentrated dose of sugar. By eating whole fruits and vegetables rather than drinking juices, not only will you save money, but you’ll also get all the fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals you need to stay healthy.

6. Make foods at home

Instead of buying foods like hummus, energy bars, and granola, make them yourself to save money. This will not only ensure you know every ingredient you’re eating, but you won’t waste money on expensive health foods.

7. Cut back on eating out

Cutting back on eating out at restaurants not only forces you to eat healthier, but it also enables you to save more money on food. It’s a win-win, especially if you’re trying to stay healthy on a budget.

Shop and eat smarter

When it comes to staying healthy without breaking the bank, you should cook at home as much as possible. You should also buy conventional fruits and vegetables. Remember that, with a bit of planning, organization, and effort, you can stay healthy on a budget.

  1. “7 Ways to Eat Healthy Without Going Broke,” Huffington Post, April 11, 2017.
  2. “Yes, It’s Possible to Stay Fit and Healthy Without Going Broke,” Women’s Health, March 4, 2019.
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