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BY: LBL Team

A Celebrity Life Coach on How to Practice Self Love

Four ways to love yourself according to a celebrity life coach

Dr. Cheyenne Bryant is a renowned celebrity life coach, motivational speaker, and psychologist based in Los Angeles, California. She specializes in helping people lead healthier, happier, more balanced, and fulfilling lives. Dr. Bryant is a strong advocate of self-love, which positively influences how individuals perceive themselves and others, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. Here are her four expert tips for learning how to practice more self-love and compassion:

1. Love all of you

When it comes to practicing self-love, loving all of you is super important. You have to love your mind, body, and soul since they’re all interconnected. In fact, they make up the moving parts of who you are. So how do you love your mind? One way is to meditate regularly — it’s at the forefront of mental health. And how do you love your body? By exercising consistently and eating nutritious food. Engage in physical activities that reenergize you, like running, yoga, hiking, etc. When it comes to your soul, you know how the saying goes — the soul wants what it deserves. If you want to go shopping, for instance, don’t be afraid to treat yourself.

2. Surround yourself with good people

What does that mean? Surround yourself with people who celebrate you. This will empower you to love yourself more. The people in your life should support and reinvigorate you. Avoid spending time with people who merely tolerate you. They chip away at any self-love you have achieved and will make you question who you are. Become friends with people who’ll challenge you in a good way and make you grow as a person. Choose the people in your life wisely — it has a significant impact on how you view yourself.

3. Keep a self-love journal

Every night, in your self-love journal, you should write down three to four things that you really loved about yourself throughout the day. These could be things you did or just your traits in general. First thing in the morning, read your self-love journal. It’ll help set the momentum for the day. You’ll create the tone to have a loving, positive day.

4. Be your own hype man

Who better than you to hype you up? Tell yourself that you got this and you’re going to be okay. Remind yourself that you are perfect where you are as you continue to strive for more. Be sure to root for yourself every day. Why? Because you have to be able to show up for yourself every time to really love yourself.

Prioritize self-love more

Loving yourself inside and out is the most essential and vital piece of love in your entire world that you’ll ever experience, ever have, and ever have to do. Remember that you can create a loving, compassionate space within yourself. You’ll then see this state of being reflected in your external world and the people with whom you come into contact. Fill yourself up with all the things you want to not only give but also receive.

For more on self-love, visit Dr. Bryant’s Instagram

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